Before Byron found the world of NFTs on the WAX blockchain, his day job was drawing zombie portraits. Over the years he got really good at it.  It was hard work though. Not the art or drawing part but the finding people that wanted to own the original artwork. When NFTs came around it changed everything and zombie portrait commissions were no longer needed.

But the time has come for Byron to put making new art for NFTs on SlowMode and focus community while earning a bit of money to invest in new equipment. The extra practice and experimentation from commissions will be a welcome bonus and a nice change of pace.

All artwork is created using ink, watercolours, acrylic paint and gel pens on paper. Usually. Sometimes other stuff is used, but mostly mixed media on paper. Byron often works on a smaller scale with 4"x6" being his most common size. Pricing for a Zombie Portrait commissions is as follows

NFT only $25
(50 mints or digital file)

4"x6" + NFT $75
(plus shipping to be determined)

5"x7" + NFT $100
(plus shipping to be determined)

8"x10" + NFT $125
(plus shipping to be determined)

Payment can be in fiat, WAX, EOS and several other crypto currencies. Reach out to Byron if you want to pay with something different.



Please email your mug shot to with the title Zombie Portrait Commission. Be sure the picture you are using shows enough details. Make a scowl or stick out your tongue if you want. This is how you will be in the apocalypse ... forever. So choose a good pic of yourself.

By purchasing a zombie portrait commission from Byron you understand that it won't look exactly like you. It will look kinda like you, sometimes a lot like you, but also sometimes not very much like you. If you really hate it you will be given the opportunity to be refunded half your money or ask Byron nicely to have another hack at you. 

Shipping will be via Canada Post and could be as little as $5 or as much as $60, depending where you live.  You can choose to take just the NFT for now and get the artwork later for no additional fee.