Zombie Cat Sticker Pack

The Zombie Cats are starting to organize. They gathered up a sketch poster, broke it into pieces and have now made it available in a pack. 3 cards per pack, 21 cards in the whole series. Collect them all and assemble them into the full sized sketch poster.

Grab a pack here

only 9 WAX per pack
Open the packs here

Try to collect all 21

Zombie Cat Sketch Poster Pack

The Zombie Cats are starting to organize. They gathered up a sketch poster, broke it into pieces and have now made it available in a pack. 4 cards per pack, 16 cards in the whole series. Collect them all and assemble them into the full sized sketch poster.

Grab a pack here

the first 50 packs are only 1.11 wax
the next 50 go up to 2.22 wax, then the next 50 will be 3.33 wax ... and so on.
It will cap out at 9.99 wax per pack.
Open the packs here

When you have collected all 16, blend them to get the full sized poster here

See all 16 pieces below
more updates to follow

The Zombie Cats first started to show up around 2010 and they've never left me alone since. I don't mind though, they're nice company on a quiet evening.

Many of these are available as NFTs on the EOS platform, and soon on the ETH network as well. You can also buy prints directly from me.
